One22 Professional Communications PM Workshop July 17, 2024


What are your strengths when writing? What are your challenges?



  1. Identify purpose for writing 
  2. Write with greater clarity and correctness
  3. Understand and use the appropriate tone, level of detail, and medium



Brainstorm: What do you think professional communication is when writing? How is it similar/different than speaking?

  • How is writing professional vs. informal? What are the differences?
  • What can happen if we mix professional and informal? 
  • What types of written communication do you use at work?


 Purpose for Writing

 How do you use each one of these purposes for writing? Think of examples when you write for each one of these reasons. How does that influence your writing? 

Clarity and Correctness

  • Grammar
    • spelling and punctuation - Use your tools! 
      • spell and grammar check
    • commonly misspelled words
      • There, they're, their
      • to, too, two
      • It's, its
    • contractions, possessive, plural 
      • do not = don't
      • John's application
      • The applications
    • TIP: Double check your writing by reading aloud   
  • Language Choice 
    • clear & concise 
      • Remove filler words -- that, so, which, just, really, any....
    • specific / detailed
      • What info does the reader need for complete understanding? dates, times, names, locations...
      • One and done - What details should you provide for the reader to have all the info needed? 
    • abbreviations & acronyms 
      • Are abbreviations or acronyms you commonly use? 
      • When are these appropriate or inappropriate?
    1.  Please just return my call so that I finish filing your paperwork.
    2. I'll get back to you with more info.
    3. I need more details so that I can complete the application.
    4. That's not really a good time for me.
    5. When will you have the forms submitted? 
  • Sentence & Paragraph Structure
    • short paragraphs - 1 to 3 sentences per paragraph
    • topic sentence - state main idea of paragraph / message early
      • I am really happy you are interested in financial empowerment courses. These online classes will help you learn how to budget, save, and pay off debt. If you need any additional support, please reach out to me. The link to access the courses is here.
    • active vs passive voice - WHAT is the subject of the sentence? WHO is completing the action? 
    1. There are resources available for you. 
    2. Rent was paid on time. 
    3. The application was missing information. 



Choose an email, text, or case note you have written in the last month. Revise this communication considering 

  • grammar
  • language choice
  • sentence/paragraph structure

Write a new draft of this email, text, or case note.


Tone & Mood

Tone - attitude of author

Mood- emotional response of reader


  • What attitude are you giving off in your writing? Helpful, supportive, friendly, professional, cold, warm, frustrated, supportive, rushed, careless, knowledgeable, caring...
  • What emotional response do you want your reader to have?


Should this message be communicated through email, text, or business letter? 


  • Level of formality? Formal or informal
  • Purpose of communication? reminder, update, follow up, share resources, provide status
  • Level of information / detail? short, medium, lengthy
  • Attachments? hyperlinks? 

Choose an email, text, or case note you have written in the last month. Revise this communication considering

  • tone and mood
  • medium
  • grammar
  • language choice
  • sentence/paragraph structure

Write a new draft of this email, text, or case note. If you recognize this communication should be in a different medium, draft in the new medium.



What are two to three skills you will use to strengthen your writing?

