One22 Professional Communications - 9/23/24

One 22 Professional Communications
September 23, 2024
Where did you notice yourself making assumptions this last week? What underlying needs did you discover in the other person and/or in yourself?  

How did you use active listening skills as a defense to making assumptions? 
What key questions should you ask when writing? How did these help you write with greater clarity and organization? 



How much information/context does the reader have on this topic? 

What is the appropriate length for this type of communication? 

What is the purpose of this communication? 

What is the best organization for the information? 



Key Question: 

  • What do I want this to person to KNOW or DO by the end of the message?
    • 1 -3 paragraphs in length
    • Use lists / bullet points with details 
    • Highlight the most important information (what you want the reader to know or do) at the START of the message and the END of the message
    • Be explicit in your "ASK"



What is the right level of detail? What info do I include in detail? What should I summarize? What information is already shared earlier in the case note template?

How should I organize all this information so it is easy to understand?

Key Questions:

  1. What is the person's situation that is creating the need for assistance?
  2. Why do they need assistance? (Are they receiving other assistance?)
  3. How will this assistance help this person in this situation? (How will this result in self-reliance?)
  4. What follow up will occur?



Choose a case note or email/newsletter you recently wrote. Check for the answers to the key questions.

Did you answer each question? 

Did you include the right amount of detail so that a reader without context can understand? 

Is the message organized appropriately?  


 BRAINSTORM the themes/ patterns in your professional communications. 

  • What message do you have to often share? 
  • What do you frequently want people to KNOW or DO? 
TIPS for "Go To" Phrases
  • Be clear and concise 
    • This expresses confidence and makes your message easy to understand. 
  • Be explicit 
    • Delivering hard news is tough but miscommunicating breaks trust.  
  • Be empathetic 
    • Continue to build professional and positive relationships. Provide other options, and use "we" statements to show your working alongside the person.
  • Be authentic 
    • Use language that is natural for you, which also creates confidence in delivering the message in your "voice".


DRAFT your "go to"phrases that you can use in both speaking and writing to address each one of the common communication messages. 

SHARE in the Google Doc to be included in the One22 Professional Communications Guide.



What will you continue to work on in your professional communications? 

How will you continue to grow and strengthen your communications? 

