One22 Professional Communications - 9/9/2024


Professional Communications Training - Part 2

September 9, 2024



  • Name & position
  • What is one of your strong communication skills?


REVIEW - Speaking Skills Workshop

1. What do you remember?
 2. What have you been practicing?
  • prepping main points
  • focusing on client
  • empathizing rather than apologizing
  • active listening
  • checking your mood meter
3. Where would you like to continue to improve? What remains challenging?



  1. Use pauses effectively across speaking situations to increase confidence and clarity
  2. Recognize assumptions and impact on clear communication


Before engaging:

  • Pause to prep your main points
  • Pause to consider assumptions you are making

During engagement:

  • Pause instead of using a filler word (um, so, like...)
  • Pause to choose words/ responses for clarity & conciseness
  • Pause to create space for response / listening
  • Pause to ask questions / get curious

After engagement:

  • Pause to reflect on how the communication went
  • Pause to choose an action step for strengthening your next communication

When do you find yourself rushing in your communication? 
What situations could you start using the pause for more effective communication? 


Choose a common spoken message you deliver in your job. Share the context with your partner. Next, deliver the spoken message to your partner. Pause at the end of every sentence. Pause if you find yourself about to use a filler word. Pause to make a stronger word choice. 

As the partner, note how many times the speaker pauses. Note areas when they could have used a pause for stronger communication.



What purpose do assumptions serve? Why do we make them?




What assumptions are you making about people/ situations throughout your day? 

How do these assumptions impact your communication? 


Consider a written communication where you have made an assumption. 

1. Examine an email or text -What assumption did you make about the client or volunteer?

2. Examine case notes - What assumption did you make about the reader?


Rewrite the communication and email to Liz for individual feedback -




1. What ideas/ skills are you leaving with today?

2. What will you focus on practicing this week to improve your communications skills?

