March 31, 2017




Lynda - How to write a great customer service email

Workplace English – EMAILS in the workplace

Send a response email to & blind cc

I brought my son to your clinic on Friday and am very disappointed. We had to wait an hour before we even got into a room. When we were put in the room, the paper had not been changed since the last person and there were bloody tissues in the trash. When the nurse finally came to take my son’s vitals, she did not greet us and was rough. Dr. Smith finally came in and he was very caring and helpful. But I have serious concerns about the sanitation and the medical staff. 

Quote – Gloria

Lynda: Learn Excel 2016: The Basics

Workplace English – EXCEL in the workplace
Create a database for a mailing list for your clients. Create a table for adult patients and a separate tab for youth patients. Include: name, (& guardian name), address, phone, email

Individual Goals~
     Finish workplace scenarios
     Work on tutorials in Lynda
     Work on SimChart

     Typing practice:

Reflection ~

1. How are you feeling at the end of your SECOND WEEK?!?! What are you most impressed with yourself? What are you most surprised with yourself? 

2. What are you walking out with today? 

3. If there are three areas you could spend more time practicing/learning, what would they be? Be specific.

4. What would you like your friends/family to know about your Climb experience so far? 

5. What would you like your cohort to know/believe about themselves?  
