One22 Professional Communications AM Workshop July 17, 2024



    • Name & your position
    • What you love about your work / what is challenging about your work



 9:30 - 12:30: Morning Workshop ~ focus on speaking/ oral communication

12:30 - 1:30 LUNCH

1:30 - 4:30: Afternoon Workshop ~ focus on written communications 

Consider: With clients, volunteers, community members...
  • What are your strengths when speaking? 
  • What are your challenges?
Consider: With coworkers...
  • What are your strengths? 
  • What are your challenges?


  1. Analyze audience for effective message and tone
  2. Improve clarity and confidence when speaking
  3. Strengthen relationships and boundaries when speaking 

What are YOUR goals for this morning's workshop?  



Brainstorm: How do you define professional communication? What does it "sound" like? 


Audience Analysis 

Adapt your communication for your specific audience

  • demographics - age, gender, culture, language, educational level, etc
  • attitude (likes/dislikes)
  • beliefs (what's they know as true/false)
  • values (personal standards) 
  • environment (professional, formal, friendly, informal)
  • nonverbal cues - eye contact, facial expression, movement


1. You are doing audience analysis all the time! Consider your workplace. Choose two different people you communication with at work. Complete an audience analysis for each person. How do you communication differently with each person? 

2. Adapting communication for your audience: How would you communicate the following for work, friends, and family? 

    • Saying hello or goodbye
    • Asking for help
    • Showing excitement
How can audience analysis help you communicate with clarity and confidence? How can audience analysis help you build relationships and maintain boundaries?


Active Listening

Which active listening skills are your strengths? Which skills could you improve?


1. You receive a phone call from a community member who is seeking services. She immediately goes straight into a long story about her whole situation before you are able to ask details to see if she qualifies for services.  How do you respond to the community member with active listening skills? 

2. Your co-worker has just gotten off the phone from a challenging interaction with a community member. The person was upset because she doesn't qualify for services. Your co-worker complains to you about the interaction. How do you respond with active listening skills? 

How can active listening help you communicate with clarity and confidence? How can active listening help you build relationships and maintain boundaries?

Mood Meter


How are you feeling now? What are common feelings you experience during your workday? 

How does your mood impact your communication? How does your mood impact how people respond to your communication?



1. Your client is frustrated because he is not getting what he expected to receive from One22. Meanwhile, you are not having the best day either. How do you think about the mood meter and mirror neurons and shift the communication? 

2. You have met with a person who is seeking services. You realize this person does not qualify for services at this time. You need to tell the person they do not qualify at this time. 

3.  It's Friday afternoon after a long week. One of your clients has not submitted what you need to continue to support them. You need to call the client to remind her. How do you think about the mood meter and mirror neurons before you make the call?

How can the mood meter/ mirror neurons help you communicate with clarity and confidence? How can mood meter/ mirror neurons help you build relationships and maintain boundaries?



What scenarios are most challenging for you? 

    • When client doesn’t qualify but still relationship building because may qualify in future
    • saying “no”, how to say “yes” while still saying no
    • Conflict; difficult client; de-escalation
    • being too short with clients but not meaning it
    • remembering why clients communicate in certain ways 
    • speaking in front of a group
    • being clear and forthcoming with co-workers/ volunteers 
    • ?????

 For your scenario:

  1. Complete an audience analysis. 
  2. Define the active listening skills you would use. 
  3. Choose the mood you want to approach the communication. 

How does this make a difference in the your clarity and confidence. How will this impact the relationship and boundaries?


What are two or three skills you will use to strengthen your speaking skills?

