April 14, 2017

Michael's Inspiration

Word, Excel, Customer Service, cloud storage, Google Drive, Outlook...
Can you? questions 

Great website resources:

Prezi - Create a presentation of your experience at Climb

Piktochart - Create an infographic of your life before/ after Climb (social, economic, professional)

Wordle - Create word art of one of your reflections from computer class

Apps for phone - Want do you want to be able to access on your phone? 
Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, Word, Excel, Outlook....


Jenae's Quote

Lynda: Troubleshooting Common PC Issues for Users

Individual Goals: 

Lynda: Word Weekly Tip, Excel Weekly Tip, Managing Office Politics
Prezi or Piktochart


How are you feeling today?

What were you most excited to learn/practice today? 

Without computer skills next week, what will you work on individually?

What would you like to request for our final class together?  
