Friday, October 20

Kate's inspirational quote

Quickbooks - LYNDA 

Word in the workplace - Professional letter

You work for a property management company. One of the company's services is to take care of people's vacation homes in the winter (plowing, roof shoveling, checking for frozen pipes, etc). Each fall, the homeowners have to renew their winter services contract. The boss has asked you to write a letter to send to all the homeowners reminding them to renew their winter service. Be sure to include all the information your homeowners would want to know about renewing their services. 

TED Talk - Andrew Solomon 


Evaluations with Lauren and Liz

Clerical Skills practice

Learn Excel 2016: The Basics- LYNDA

Excel in the Workplace - Database

Create a database of all your homeowners who have received property management services from your company. Include name, address, phone, email, seasonal services

  1. Read your reflections from the week. How do you think you are improving this week, both in skills and self-efficacy? What areas keep showing up as weaknesses (skills & self-efficacy)?
  2. We are 50% down with our training. If you had to give yourself a midterm grade (like an A, B+, C....), what would it be? Why? 
  3. What would you like your friends and family to know about you and your Climb training at this point? 
  4. What are your goals for the next three weeks? Be specific!


