Wednesday, Oct 11

Review Soft Skills
  • last week's definitions 
  • yesterday's article
  • our top picks
Secret Shopper Observations

Phone calls 
Ask basic company questions -- hours, location, etc
  • How did person answer phone? 
  • What was the tone of voice? 
  • How much information did they give you when answering the question?
Share findings  - What worked well? What didn't?

Physical Locations
What should we be observing?
  • Speech, actions, body language
  • Take specific notes
  • Watch for what we don't see! When it's going well, we may not even notice soft skills.
Share Observations
  • What did you see and hear? Positive and negative
  • How can we see this in ourselves?
  • How can this inform our use and practice of soft skills?
Lynda - "Master in demand professional soft skills" - Getting Things Done

Guest speaker next week - Questions for Doug

  1. What did you learn or recognize from your observations today?
  2. How can you continue to use today's practice into the future?
  3. What resonated with you from the Lynda video?
  4. How are you feeling about Climb this week?
