Friday, Nov. 3

Katrina's Inspiration

Slack - download Excel templates

Guest speaker - Trevor 

Google Outlook Essential Training 2016 - Lynda

Workplace Scenarios

Your property management company missed plowing Liz Onufer's driveway on November 2. She has the winter services package that started on Nov. 1. She sent an email to complain about the situation. Write an email responding to Liz (

Your property management company order cleaning supplies in bulk from Global Industrial. On the last order, you did not receive the case of window cleaner you ordered, but this was on your invoice. Write an email to Global Industrial to request a refund (email address:

Google Drive Essential Training - Lynda

Google Docs - Can you?
 Write of as many "Can you?" questions in the programs we have learned.
 Example: Can you insert a photo in a Word doc? Can you create an invoice in Quickbooks?

  1. What key points/skills did you learn from Trevor's presentation?
  2. How did Trevor's presentation differ from our other presenters?
  3. We have one week of training left. If you could go back to the first week, what advice would you give yourself now that we are at the end of this program?

