Thursday, Nov. 9

Inspiration from Reyna

Finish/Practice presentations for tomorrow
Be sure to include your personal connections with the content

Evaluations with Liz & Lauren (for Tia, Lindsey, and Teresa)

Bookkeeper vs Accountant

Quickbooks - LYNDA
  • discounts
  • reconciliation
  • reports
Workplace Scenarios

1. Your business offers a 10% locals discount. Make an invoice for a local customer and apply the 10% discount.

2. The customer has not paid the invoice due on Oct. 1. You need to add a 5% finance (late) fee to the statement. Create the original invoice and then add the finance charge.

3. The customer placed a large order. Create an invoice. When he receives the order, some of the items are not working. You need to credit his invoice for those broken items. He has not yet paid the invoice. After you apply the credit, you receive his payment.

Business Vocabulary 
      How would these business terms be relevant to one of our businesses?

1. The interviewer asks, "What's your experience with Quickbooks?" What is your reply?
2. Tomorrow is our last day of training. List as many of the topics/skills that we covered over the last six weeks that you can remember.
3. From that list, what have been the most valuable components of our training?
