Tuesday, Nov. 7

Evaluations with Liz and Lauren

Thank you cards for last week's presenters

Create Presentation for Friday

Choose one of the videos or readings to present to the class:

1. TED talk - The Power of Yes by Carol Dweck
2. TED talk - Self Confidence by Ivan Joseph
3. TED talk - Body Language by Amy Cuddy

4. Lynda- Getting Things Done
5. Lynda - Writing customer service emails

6.  Soft Skill to get ahead
7. Soft skills in the workplace

8. Get in Your Boss's Head
9. Manage Your Manager

Create a free account at www.prezi.com

Choose a template

Add text and images:
  1. Review the key points of video or article (use your notes)
  2. Add in extra research on the topic (Google searches)
  3. Include your personal example or connections
Here's an example of a Prezi


1. Look at your reflection from your last evaluation on Thursday, October 19. How do you feel about this evaluation? What did you expect to hear? Did anything surprise you?

2. Is there anything else you would like to express that you did not get to during the evaluation?

3. How did you feel about completing a project/presentation today with little guidance?

4. How do you feel about presenting this on Friday?
