March 29, 2018

Inspiration from Cassity

WORD in the workplace 

Save each document to your Dropbox, and email all three as an attachment to Liz -

Write a Memo:
The doctor has asked you to draft a memo for all employees about summer vacation days. A calendar will be posted in the break room and employees must request vacation days before May 1. Only one staff member can be gone each day and no vacation days on weekends.

Write a Business Letter: 
The doctor has asked you to write a letter to all new patients to welcome them to the “family”, to thank them for their trust, to provide contact info, and to wish them a speedy recovery from their visit. You will need to create letterhead for your medical office to use for this letter.

Create a Flyer: 
The clinic is hosting a Health and Wellness fair to kick off the summer season. The flyer should list the date, time, locations, and activities (free health screening, blood draws, massages, yoga instruction, etc). 

Internet Searches & Credibility

Google one of the vitamins/minerals (chart on p. 440)- What are you finding? Types of websites, reliability of information, dates on content

Use Google Advanced Search to search the same vitamin/mineral - specify .gov sites and the latest information


Inspiration from Brittany 

EXCEL - Lynda: Learning Excel 2016

EXCEL in the workplace
Create a spreadsheet and track your patients' vitals:
  • temp
  • pulse
  • respiration
  • heart rate
(See pages 335, 337, 338, 343 for "normal" vitals)
Open your reflection from last class. At the end of last week's reflection, put today's date and begin today's reflection. Save to Dropbox and email to Liz as an attachment. 
1. How did I feel today? How is this different/same as last week's class (compare/contrast)? 
2. What am I walking away with today?
3. I am excited about...
4. I am nervous about...
5. I would like to spend more time on...
