Sept. 25, 2018

Welcome to Professional Office Careers!

Weekly Schedule:

Tuesdays = computer skills, Quickbooks, business operations

Thursdays = office skills/ hard & soft skills, customer service, professional communicaiton

Why a weekly schedule? 

Inspiration to start our day...

Inspiration sign up 

Computer Skills

The Basics - Desktop and Laptop
  • Parts, functions, operations
  • Software

Accounts needed:
  • Gmail
  • Dropbox
  • Library Card

Word in the Workplace 

Memo: Your boss asked you to write a memo to post in the shop about dress code. He doesn’t want people wearing ripped, dirty jeans and ratty (and inappropriate) t-shirts anymore. He knows we are a construction company but he still wants a clean cut, professional appearance. Work clothes are fine but they should be in good condition and clean. 


Learning & Working
  • Challenges & strengths you bring to the table
  • What can be the positive and negative of each of these? 
  • Self efficacy
  • TED talk – Carol Dweck / Power of Yet

  • Introduction to bookkeeping terms - AP / AR
  • LYNDA tutorial

  1. How did I feel today?
  2. What am I walking away with today?
  3. I am excited about....
  4. I am nervous/ worried/ concerned about...
