Sept. 27, 2018

Inspiration from Micah

Quickbooks Review

  • Restore backup
  • Chart of accounts: add, delete, hide accounts
  • Banking: create petty cash account

Soft Skills

What are soft skills? Infographic
  • Prioritize
  • Self assess

Why are they important?  Soft Skills article


The Skill of Self Confidence 

Skills for the Job 

Search Google - Create list of desired skills (hard & soft) from help wanted ads

Skills Practice



Professional Communication

Email scenario -

You received the following email on Thursday....

Dear Jones Construction,

John was at my house on Tuesday to bid out my new patio. He told me I would have an estimate by the end of the day. I have not received anything from you. I would like to move forward with this project and want to know if you are even interested in having my business.

Todd Smith


You finished your first week!

1. How did this week meet your expectations -- both of yourself and of the program?

2. What surprised you about the first week -- both of yourself and the program?

3. What are you looking forward to next week?

4. What changes (if any) will you make for next week?
