Oct. 2, 2018

Inspiration from Anna

Word Skills - 

  • templates available
  • letterhead: images, hyperlinks, template - save as & file type
  • tables: page layout, margins
  • tool bar: commonly used features

Word in the Workplace

       1. Write a letter asking a client for payment on past due invoices. Include a table showing the past due invoices (including date, invoice number, and total due) in the body of the letter.

       2. Write a letter thanking a client for her business.
 3. Create a flyer for your company’s open house for the new showroom where clients can see design ideas and hardware.


Business Operations

Positions in construction operations: roles & responsibilities, chain of command

Review each of these websites. Take your own notes about each of the roles, only writing down the parts that you don't know and are relevant to your role as office manager.

Compare notes with partner. 


LYNDA - Quickbooks Pro 2016 Essential Training 


Use Google doc you started last week. At bottom of doc, write today's date and answer reflection questions.

       1. What was I most excited about learning today?
       2. What was my greatest challenge/ struggle today?

             3. What can I do on Thursday to make the most of my training time?
       4. How am I feeling about myself in this role as a learner?
