Oct. 9, 2018

Inspiration from Jessica

Insurance - subcontractors

Read article at https://www.sadlerco.com/collecting-certificates-insurance-subcontractors/

Word in the Workplace

Write a letter to a subcontractor reminding him that he will not be paid for the remainder of his work until you have a certificate of insurance (COI) on file in the office. You will put this letter in with the check for his first invoice.

Excel - LYNDA tutorial: Learning Excel 2016


Business Operations

Insurances – What does a GC typically have for insurance? 

Internet research & Share - What types of insurance? What does each cover? 


LYNDA tutorial – QB Pro 2016 Essential Training: Adding Vehicles


1. What are you walking away with today?

2. How does the start of this week feel the same or different from the first two weeks?

3. What are you most looking forward to as you think about your new career?
