Nov. 15, 2018

Inspiration from Ana

Quickbooks - Workplace Scenarios

1. Your business offers a 20% veterans discount. Make an invoice for a customer who is a veteran and apply the 20% discount to the entire invoice.

2. Work was completed for a customer and you sent him an invoice. He was not satisifed with the level of work completed and called your boss. The boss agreed to give him a credit for part of the invoice. He has not yet paid the invoice. After you apply the credit, you receive his payment and make the bank deposit.

3.  The boss asks for a P&L report for 1st quarter 2017. Run the report.

4. The CPA asks for a balance sheet as of the end of the 3rd quarter. Run the report.

5. The boss asks you to print reports so he can see who owes us money and who we owe money to. 

Soft Skills Review 
  • When it comes down to it, what matters the most?
  • Role plays

Letter of Self Confidence


Words to Avoid... 

Words that make you sound less confident
Ban these words from your email

Learning Is....

How would you revise your original statement?

When you say that about learning, what does that mean for you?


My Climb Journey Prezi


1. Read all your past reflections.

2. Where are you today?

3. This is time to reflect without any specific questions from Liz, an opportunity to freely express yourself and your experiences.

CONGRATULATIONS! You have successfully completed Climb's Professional Office Careers training.

