GROUP #1 May 23, 2019

Inspiration from Liz

Review from last class... Word, Excel, Soft Skills
{ Guest Speaker today - Bill Burnap, CDL Driver, Fish Creek Excavation }

Excel Workplace Scenario

  • mileage/cost tracker spreadsheet


Excel Workplace Scenario
  • Tracking mileage & maintenance YTD on multiple trucks with front page overview

  • sending, replying, forwarding
  • formatting
  • attachments
  • professionalism
  • signature line/vacation responder
  • organization, titles and folders
Workplace Scenarios - Email 
  • cold email for a CDL job
  • maintenance needs for truck you are driving 

Outlook & Google
  • functions & tools

  • Advanced search 
  • source evaluation -- author, publisher, date, purpose, ads?


1. Which part of today's learning did you most enjoy?
2. Which part of today's learning was the most difficult for you?
3. What part of today's learning would you like to spend more time on? 
