GROUP # 2 May 22, 2019

Inspiration from Jian

Review from last class... Word, Excel, Soft Skills, Office Equipment

Word Workplace Scenario
  • letter re: clinic to use for medical cards

Excel Workplace Scenario
  • mileage/cost tracker spreadsheet


Excel Workplace Scenario
  • Driver dispatch and scheduling
  • sending, replying, forwarding
  • formatting
  • attachments
  • professionalism
  • signature line/vacation responder
  • organization, titles and folders

  • Advanced search 
  • source evaluation -- author, publisher, date, purpose, ads?
Outlook & Google
  • functions & tools

1. Which part of today's learning did you most enjoy?
2. Which part of today's learning was the most difficult for you?
3. What part of today's learning would you like to spend more time on? 
