July 12, 2019

Inspiration from Amelia

Excel in the Workplace


You are going to start helping in the office with AR (accounts receivable). You need to track all the open invoices in a spreadsheet to follow up for payment. This includes:
    • patient name
    • invoice #
    • payment due date
    • amount billed
    • amount covered by insurance
    • amount due (formula)
    • amount paid
    • total due (formula)
Word in the Workplace
  • Memo
    • Scenario: 
    • You supervise all the CNAs and their schedules. The month of August is very busy with back to school physicals and other appointments. You need to know now if any of your staff are going to request time off between August 1 and Labor Day weekend. Create a memo to post at the time clock announcing that all days off during that time period must be requested now. 
  • Flyer
    • Scenario: 
    • Your clinic is hosting a wellness fair. Your supervisor knows you are good on the computer and creative and has asked you to create a flyer for the wellness fair to hang around town. 
Soft Skills
  • Why are they important?


Inspiration from Christine

Google & Outlook
  • functions
  • tools

Create a professional and engaging presentation on ONE of the skills you may be tested on tomorrow! In your presentation, review the steps to completing the skill. 

You may use Powerpoint, Google Slides, or Prezi. 

Give the presentation!

Final Inspiration from Shawna
