July 9, 2019

Inspiration from Phoebe

Word - Resumes continued

Learning Skills
  • Self efficacy
  • Growth vs. Fixed mindset - TED talk

Inspiration from Sarita

Internet Skills
  • Evaluating sources
  • Advanced search
  • Database
    • Workplace scenario - Create a patient database, including name, guardian, DOB, contact, insurance
  • Tracking / Formulas
    • Workplace scenario - Create a medical inventories supply inventory
    • Use formulas for difference in count between months and price per unit

End of Day Inspiration from Ashley


Type in Word, save to desktop, upload to dropbox, and share with liz@climbwyoming.org 
  • How did I feel today? 
  • What am I leaving with today?
  • I am excited about...
  • I am nervous and/or confused about....
