October 1, 2019

Inspiration from Roxanne

Review from yesterday
  • Computer basics
  • Word
  • Memo
  • personality types
  • office equipment 
Business Basics

What's your business background?
  • Roles you've had?
  • Roles you've worked with?
  • How they interacted?  
 Business Operations - an Overview

Businesses in Jackson
  • Help Wanted - What jobs fall into what areas?
 Learning & Working Selves
  • learning is not linear
  • self efficacy
  • personal challenges & strengths

 The Power of Yet

Bookeeping Basics
  • AP
  • AR
  • Financial reporting 
Quickbooks - LYNDA - QB Pro 2016 Essential Training


How does today feel different than yesterday?

What did I do the same/ different as yesterday to make this a good and productive day?

How am I feeling about myself in regards to this training?

What can I do to make Thursday a good and productive training day?
