November 12, 2019

Inspiration from Destiny

Quickbooks Online - 
  • Create an invoice. Give a 10% locals discount. Receive payment. Make deposit. 
  • Enter a bill. Pay the bill. 
  • Create an invoice. Give a credit. Apply credit. Receive payment.
Excel Workplace Scenario  -

Finish budget from last week

Word & Email Scenarios -

Finish work from last week

Excel Workplace Scenario - 

Create a spreadsheet to track IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement). You need to file IFTA quarterly. Your company's trucks travel in Wyoming, Idaho, Utah, and Montana.

See example IFTA return and instructions here:


"My Climb Journey" Presentations at Climb office

Final Reflection 

This is a time to write a reflection without any specific questions from Liz. You are free to write and share a reflection on our entire training time. 
