November 5, 2019

Inspiration from Lacey

Guest Speaker - Bonnie Self

Balance Sheets & Income Statements

Online Tools

·         Slack
·         Meeting schedule – Doodle
·         Survey monkey

Role plays – interpersonal skills

Independent Practice

Work on "My Climb Journey" presentation

Clerical Skills practice

Typing Practice


TED talk - Body Language

Quickbooks –

Review –

1. Your business offers a 10% locals discount. Make an invoice for a local customer and apply the 10% discount.

2. The customer has not paid the invoice due on Oct. 1. You need to add a 5% finance (late) fee to the statement. Create the original invoice and then add the finance charge.

3. The customer placed a large order. Create an invoice. When he receives the order, some of the items are not working. You need to credit his invoice for those broken items. He has not yet paid the invoice. After you apply the credit, you receive his payment.

·         Reports



1.      How are you feeling about your hard and soft skills in the office setting?  
      How do these reflections impact your work?

      What would you like you family and friends to know and understand about your experience at Climb? 
