November 7, 2019

Inspiration from Nikki

Excel Workplace Scenario - 

Create a monthly budget with line items (income & expenses) for 2018 and 2019. For 2018, use the actual numbers spent. For 2019, include estimated and actuals and the difference. The first sheet will be a summary sheet of actuals for each line item for 2018 and 2019.

Word Workplace Scenario - 

1. You need to let your customers know that you will be discontinuing a popular brand or service. Your boss is making this decision because the profit margin isn't big enough on this brand/service to make it worth the work. 

2. Write a memo letting employees know that there will be a change to the benefits package. Health insurance premiums will no longer be fully covered by the company. The company will now cover $300 for each employee and the employees will now need to pay for anything over that for their total monthly insurance premium.

Email Workplace Scenario - 

1. Due to additional hiring at your company, the office space needs to be shifted. Your boss has asked you to get all the office staff together to discuss how the office space can work with the two new employees who are about to start. Write an email letting your coworkers in the office know the situation and set up a meeting. 

2. Respond to this email: 

I have been a customer with your business for the last ten years. In the past, I have been so impressed with your products and service. But this last year, things have really gone downhill with your business. The service has been subpar; I am not greeted when I call and often put on hold or my call is not returned. The products are not arriving in a timely manner and the quality just isn't the same. I am really thinking about switching companies. I am just wondering what's going on and what's changed? 


Role plays! 

  • Trevor
  • Bonnie

Quickbooks Online

Create a FREE trail account

AP - 

Enter bills for: 
  • rent
  • electric
  • phone
Run an AP report

Pay bills & write checks

AR - 

Create three invoices

Give a credit on one of the invoices

Run an AR report

Receive payments

Make deposit

Reports - 

Run a balance sheet as of today

Run a P & L for FY to date


Which scenarios did you feel most confident completing? 

Which scenarios were the biggest challenge? 

What top three skills/ ideas have you learned in this training that you feel will help you succeed as you move into your new career? 
