July 1, 2020


  • name
  • what you've enjoyed learning
  • what you'd like to learn for computer skills

Learning foundations
  • How do you define learning?
  • What are your strengths in learning?
  • What are your challenges with learning? 
  • Learning isn't linear
Visible Learning on Twitter: "Learning isn't linear. Nor is ...

  • Self efficacy -

 Albert Bandura & Self-Efficacy - Tamarind Financial Planning

  • Growth vs. fixed mindset

Inspiration sign up - week 2, week 3, week 4, week 5 (2 people per day)

Microsoft Word  - Resumes

Type in Word and share with lizonufer@yahoo.com
  • How did I feel today? 
  • What am I leaving with today?
  • I am excited about...
  • I am nervous and/or confused about....
