June 16 & 18, 2020


  • name
  • what you've enjoyed learning
  • concerns with Zoom
  • what you'd like to learn for computer skills
Computer foundations
  • laptop hardware & software - What do you have?
  • cloud storage - What is it?
  • accounts needed - email and Dropbox
  • meeting protocols - What you've been doing, what we'll be doing, and how to know what to do when in a new setting...
Learning foundations
  • How do you define learning?What are your strengths in learning? What are your challenges with learning? 
  • Learning isn't linear
Visible Learning on Twitter: "Learning isn't linear. Nor is ...

  • Self efficacy -

 Albert Bandura & Self-Efficacy - Tamarind Financial Planning

  • Growth vs. fixed mindset

Inspiration sign up - week 2, week 3, week 4 (2 people per day)


Microsoft Word
  • Creating letterhead
  • Business letter format
Business Letter - Scenario

The doctor at the family clinic where you work has decided that she would like all new patients to receive a welcome letter. Create a letter on the clinic letterhead that is both professional and warm welcoming new patients to "the family".

Word templates
  • How to find and use templates
Memos - Scenario: 
  • You supervise all the CNAs and their schedules. The month of August is very busy with back to school physicals and other appointments. You need to know now if any of your staff are going to request time off between August 1 and Labor Day weekend. Create a memo to post at the time clock announcing that all days off during that time period must be requested now.
Postcard -Scenario:
  • Due to COVID- 19 concerns, the clinic doctor does not want a rush of physicals at the start of the year. She has decided to offer a 20% discount on school sports physicals done before August 1. The doctor has asked you to make a postcard to send out to all clients who've had sports physicals at the clinic in the past two years.
Flyer - Scenario:
  • Your clinic is hosting a wellness fair. Your supervisor knows you are good on the computer and creative and has asked you to create a flyer for the wellness fair to hang around town.


Type in Word, save to desktop, upload to dropbox, and share with lizonufer@yahoo.com
  • How did I feel today? 
  • What am I leaving with today?
  • I am excited about...
  • I am nervous and/or confused about....
