July 21, 2020

Inspiration from Auguste


Which soft skills would you prioritize?

Which of these skills are you strengths? Which are your weaknesses?

How can you show these off in an interview?

How can you improve them on the job?


Workplace scenario

Respond to the following email:

I have moved to Denver, Colorado and would like to transfer my medical records to my new primary care physician. How do I do this?

Thank you, Liz Onufer (lizonufer@yahoo.com)

Your office has an online patient portal through which a patient can access her own records and forward OR a copy of the hard records can be mailed directly to the new doctor once the authorization form is filled out and the transfer fee paid.

  • Evaluating sources (example: transfer medical records to new doctor)
  • Advanced search


Workplace Scenario

The doctor at the family clinic where you work has decided that she would like all new patients to receive a welcome letter. Write a business letter that is both professional and warm welcoming new patients to "the family".
