Medical Office - Workplace Scenarios


Respond to the following email:

I have moved to Denver, Colorado and would like to transfer my medical records to my new primary care physician. How do I do this?

Thank you, Liz Onufer (

Your office has an online patient portal through which a patient can access her own records and forward OR a copy of the hard records can be mailed directly to the new doctor once the authorization form is filled out and the transfer fee paid.


Professional Letter:

Your clinic will no longer be a preferred provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield. Write a letter to send to all patients who are covered by this insurance company informing them of the change effective September 1.

  • Due to COVID- 19 concerns, the clinic doctor does not want a rush of physicals at the start of the year. She has decided to offer a 20% discount on school sports physicals done before August 1. The doctor has asked you to make a postcard to send out to all clients who've had sports physicals at the clinic in the past two years.
  • Your clinic is hosting a wellness fair. Your supervisor knows you are good on the computer and creative and has asked you to create a flyer for the wellness fair to hang around town.


Create an annual expense budget for front office supplies. Include the monthly expenses for each item. Total the monthly expenses, as well as how much is spent on each item annually.
