October 13, 2020


Welcome to computer skills training! 


  • name
  • current computer skills
  • what you'd like to learn for computer skills
  • what you will need for our training

Zoom protocols

  • expectations for audio and video
  • personal presentation
  • chat function
  • discussions/ questions
  • help
Computer foundations
  • laptop hardware & software - What do you have?
  • cloud storage - What is it?
  • accounts needed - email and Dropbox


  • What is a resume? Why do we use one? How is it different than an application?
  • What are the parts of a resume? It's CUSTOM for your information and experience.
    • Contact information
    • Work Experience
    • Education/ Training
    • Skills 
    • References
  •  Resume examples

Microsoft Word

 Begin drafting your resume! 

Blank document - Do NOT use a template

One page - editing margins, font, font size

Saving your resume

