October 20, 2020


REVIEW - What is one skill/ idea you learned in last week's training? 

  • Finish drafting
  • Final revisions - Check for:  
    • alignment - headings/ fonts/ size/ dates/ bullet points, etc
    • consistency - every listing for education and work experience is in the same order
    •  job duties - start with verbs (past tense for old jobs, present tense for current job)
    • reverse chronological order - start with most recent first and go backwards
    • spacing - even spacing takes up one full page
    • spell check  
  • Save as - PDF for sending to employers
  • When done, email resume (Word document) to Liz - lizonufer@yahoo.com -- if you would like a final editing service 



  • Formatting
  • Components - salutation, intro, body, closing
  • Content
    • Customizing form letters
    • Leading with most important information
    • Short paragraphs
    • Predicting what information person will need/want
  • Create letterhead for your medical office 
  • File names and file management

Workplace Scenario

  • The doctor at the family clinic where you work has decided that she would like all new patients to receive a welcome letter. Create a letter on the clinic letterhead that is both professional and warm welcoming new patients to "the family".
  • Save letter to Dropbox and share with lizonufer@yahoo.com



  • Functions - database & spreadsheets
  • Components - rows, columns, cells, sheets
  • Shortcuts: 
    • sizing cell
    • repeating patterns
    • sorting
Database - Workplace scenario
  • Create a design for database based on how you might need to use it in the future
  • Create a patient database, including name, DOB, contact, insurance
  • Create a second sheet for youth patients and include guardian info 
  • Sort database by last name
  • Sort database by zip code

