October 27, 2020


REVIEW - What do you remember from our last class? 



  • functions
  • formulas

Workplace scenario - 

Create an annual expense budget for front office supplies. Include the monthly expenses for each item. Total the monthly expenses, as well as how much is spent on each item annually.



  • sending, replying, forwarding
  • formatting
  • attachments
  • professionalism
  • settings: signature line, vacation responder
  • organization, folders, searching

Workplace scenario - 

Respond to the following email:

I have moved to Denver, Colorado and would like to transfer my medical records to my new primary care physician. How do I do this?

Thank you, Liz Onufer (lizonufer@yahoo.com)

Your office has an online patient portal through which a patient can access her own records and forward OR a copy of the hard records can be mailed directly to the new doctor once the authorization form is filled out and the transfer fee paid.



Your medical clinic has implemented more rigid safety protocols due to increased cases of COVID 19 this month. Anyone coming to the medical clinic for an appointment must from call the office from the parking lot upon arrival, wait in the car until called back to enter the office, wear a mask, and only go from the front door to their medical room and back out. All payments will be credit card over the phone.

You need to call anyone who has a scheduled appointment for the next day and let them know about these protocols. Write down your script for these phone calls.


  • What are the different methods we use to communicate information in the workplace? 
  • What are soft skills? Why are they important? 
  • How do we use soft skills in professional communication?


