March 9, 2021


REVIEW from last week - 

  • computer foundations
  • business letter formatting 



  • How do you define learning?What are your strengths in learning? What do you do when learning is uncomfortable?
  • Learning isn't linear


  • Stages of learning & competence

  • Growth vs. Fixed mindset

Great video about growth mindset - Carol Dweck and The Power of Believing You Can Improve



  • How to save
  • What to name it when saving
  • What type of file to save it as
  • Where to save
  • Cloud storage 
  • Create Dropbox account


  • How to find and use templates
Memos - Scenario: 
  • You supervise all the CNAs and their schedules. Spring break is coming up, and you know staff are going to want time off. You need to know now if any of your staff are going to request time off between March 15 and April 15. Create a memo to post at the time clock announcing that all days off during that time period must be requested ASAP. 
  • Upload to Dropbox and share with Liz (


  • Functions - database & spreadsheets
  • Components - rows, columns, cells, sheets 
  • Formatting - adding header, sizing cells, freezing panes, alphabetizing (sorting)
Database - Studying Your Medical Terminology

Create sheets for (and start filling in from textbook): 
  • Word Parts/ Combining Forms- columns for Word root/ Meaning / Use in a word
  • Suffixes & Prefixes - columns for suffix or prefix/ meaning/ use in a word
  • Abbreviations - columns for abbreviation / Full term / Notes
  • Plural forms


Practice websites - 
