April 22, 2021


Dropbox - File management

  •  uploading files
  • sharing files
  • opening/ downloading files

Workspace management - virtual & physical space

  • organizing workspace
  • personal belongings/ phone
  • work computer

I blame Life Size Candy Land for the chaos that is now my desk.  At least I have a mason jar of glitter to brighten my day!



Intro to Business Operations

Structure within businesses - Chain of Command

In an organizational structure, “chain of command” refers to a company's hierarchy of reporting relationships – from the bottom to the top of an organization, who must answer to whom. The chain of command not only establishes accountability, it lays out a company’s lines of authority and decision-making power. A proper chain of command ensures that every task, job position and department has one person assuming responsibility for performance.

The reporting relationships are easy to see on an organizational chart, which depicts a company’s structure. Starting at the bottom, each position is connected to one above it by a line. Following the line vertically from position to position reveals the chain of command. Each person is one link in the chain.

- From https://smallbusiness.chron.com/chain-command-organizational-structure-59110.html


Common Departments in Businesses


Intro to Bookkeeping

Basic Processes - 

AP - Accounts Payable

  • enter bills from vendors (people your business needs to pay) - examples?  
  • pay bills and write checks

AR - Accounts Receivables

  •  create invoices for customers - examples? 
  • receive payments and deposit checks


  • comparing internal records with monthly external statements - examples?


Creating Business in Quickbooks

  • chart of accounts
  • creating vendors

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