April 6, 2021


REVIEW - What do you remember from last week? 


EXCEL - Budget spreadsheet

The boss wants each quarter on its own sheet. Cut and paste each quarter onto a new sheet, rename sheets (Q1, Q2...), and add new total columns for each quarters budgeted, actual, and variance by item. 

Create a cover sheet that totals all the quarters in one place - budgeted, actual, and variance for FY 2021.


  • What is a resume? Why do we use one? How is it different than an application?
  • What are the parts of a resume? It's CUSTOM for your information and experience.
    • Contact information
    • Work Experience
    • Education/ Training
    • Skills 
  •  Resume examples
    • alignment
    • consistency
    • dates
    • bullet points
    • easy to read - font choice & size, white space



Blank document - Do NOT use a template

How to: 

  • center header
  • unlink email
  • add lines
  • tab dates
  • bullet point
  • remove extra spacing 
