May 13, 2021


REVIEW from Tuesday


RESUMES - Revising for final draft

  • parallel structure/ bullet points are phrases
  • verb choice / tenses / look up job postings for similar positions

6 Tips for Writing A Résumé | Resume action words, Resume power words,  Resume words

  • saving/ sending as PDF
Email final draft to Liz as Word document for final edits



AP - 

  • Add vendor
  • Enter bill,
  • Pay bill

AR - 

  • Add items
  • Create invoices
  • Receive payment


Work on resume. If done with resume, work on scenarios below.



You can complete these in any order.

1. Create a postcard for your business using This could be a postcard for an upcoming event, your summer business schedule, or a sale. Download as a JPEG and email as an attachment to Liz. 

2. Write a "final notice" business letter to a customer who owes you on invoices from the last 12 months. If the customer does not pay past due invoices, you will be forwarding their account to collections. Email the letter as an attachment to Liz.

3. Make a spreadsheet to track employee benefits by the month. This will include health insurance coverage and retirement contributions. Create columns for how much the company pays in for each benefit, how much the employee contributes, and totals. 
