June 3, 2021


REVIEW from last week


Start FREE trial

AP: create vendors, enter bills, pay bills, write checks

AR: create customers, create invoices, receive payments, make deposit

REPORTS: AR, AP, P&L, Balance sheet





Create a spreadsheet for the company vehicle. You want to be able to track:

  • date
  • miles driven (using start/finish odometer reading and formula to calculate total miles) 
  • who drove
  • reason for driving
  • routine maintenance 


MEMO  -  

Write a memo to all your employees about the new procedures for the company vehicle. People who drive the vehicle will need to fill out a vehicle reservation request and complete a driving log for each trip. 


One of your vendors has always required you to pay upon delivery. You have been using this vendor for the last year and always paid promptly. You would now like to set up a credit account with this vendor for net 30 terms. Write an email asking the vendor to change your payment terms to net 30. 

PRESENTATIONS - My Climb Journey



What has been most valuable to you in our training? 
