October 21, 2021


Review from Tuesday
EXCEL - Using formulas
Workplace scenario
Create an office supplies budget for 2022

*** Break & snack from Lara ***


  • Word and Publisher
  • Websites -  Canva.com
Workplace Scenario

Create a flyer for an upcoming event at your business.

*** LUNCH! *** 
IRS FORMS used by businesses

Hiring - 

  • W4 (employee)
  • W9 (independent contractor)
  • where to find on internet

End of Year - 

  • W2 (employee)

  • 1099 (independent contractor) 
  • purchased from a supplier (use ones sold by bookkeeping software, ex: Intuit)



Review chart of accounts
  • Add a new expense account for your business 
  • Add a credit card for your business

Item Lists

  • Add new items 

*** Break & stretch with Yakleen *** 

AP - Accounts Payable

  • Add three new vendors
  • Add three new bills
  • Running an AP report  
  • Paying bills/ Writing checks 


 AR - Accounts Receivable

  • Adding customers
  • Creating invoices
  • Receiving payments
