October 26, 2021


REVIEW last week



  • What is a resume? Why do we use one? How is it different than an application?
  • What are the parts of a resume? It's CUSTOM for your information and experience.
    • Contact information
    • Work Experience
    • Education/ Training
    • Skills 
  •  Resume examples
    • alignment
    • consistency
    • dates
    • bullet points
    • easy to read - font choice & size, white space



Blank document - Do NOT use a template

How to: 

  • center header
  • unlink email
  • add lines
  • tab dates
  • bullet point
  • remove extra spacing 


 * Break & Snack


EXCEL - Workplace scenario

  • Add actual and variance columns to your budget spreadsheet. 
  • Add new formula to calculate variance column.  
  • Define conditional formatting to put variance numbers in red.
  • Freeze first column. 
  • "Print" budget spreadsheet on one page.


*** LUNCH! ***


Soft Skills

What are soft skills?


Which do you think are the TOP 5 in the office setting? 

How do you rate yourself on these skills? Which ones can you improve?

Why are they important?  Soft Skills article



  • Formatting 
  • Settings
  • Professionalism - How do soft skills show up in communication?
  • One & Done

Workplace scenarios

1. You received this email this morning. Write an email to Liz responding...

Dear Jones Construction,

John was at my house on Tuesday to bid out my new patio. He told me I would have an estimate by the end of the day. I have not received anything from you. I would like to move forward with this project and want to know if you are even interested in having my business.

Liz Onufer

2. You need to send an email to a customer with overdue invoices. Write an email with the information and requesting payment. (Role play that Liz is the overdue customer.)



  • Check register
  • Adding items
  • Adding new customer
  • Create invoice, receive payment, make deposit

