November 18, 2021


1. If needed, finish projects from Tuesday. 

2. Organize DROPBOX files
  • Rename letters, memos, and documents to be specific and clear. You can do this from Dropbox website or your Dropbox desktop. The document cannot be open when you rename it. (You may need to reread document to remember what it is about and then close it again.) For every letter, start the title with letter.description. Example: letter.past due invoice. For every memo, start the title with memo.description. For every personal document (resume and cover letter), start with your last name. example: Onufer.resume
  • Create folders in Dropbox (web or desktop) for letters, memos, spreadsheets, and personal. Move the files into the correct folder. 

3. EMAIL - Write an email to your customers to let them know about your new website and social media platforms. Ask them to like your facebook and Instagram pages and to spread the word to family and friends. 

4. EXCEL - You are going to be selling items at the farmer's market, and you need to collect sales tax. You want to the items to be an even price so that you don't have to deal with change. Create a spreadsheet to figure out the price per item plus sales tax so that it comes out to an even dollar amount. 

ITEM                           PRICE             5% TAX            TOTAL MARKET PRICE

Photo postcards           (you decide)      =price * .05        = price + tax (get this to an even #)

5. PRESENTATION - My Climb Journey

On our last training day, you will present about your Climb journey, including: 

  1. Where you started
  2. How you grew
  3. How you will continue to grow
Use Microsoft PowerPoint to make your presentation. 

This should be more than three slides. Develop each of the three points in a way that shows your individual hard work and your incredible individual potential! Include images that complement the text. Slides should be words and phrases (not sentences and paragraphs) that help your audience follow along with your presentation.

Use 1 -2 images per slide

Use larger font to be able to easily read text

Use a strong contrast in color between the text and background.

1:1 Work Sessions with Liz

9:15 - 10:00  / Kayla

10:15 - 11:00 /Lara

11:15 - 12:00 /Tiffani

*** LUNCH! ***

1:00 - 1:45 / Yakleen

2:00 - 2:45 / Mariah
