November 2, 2021



Snack & Stretch for today???


Review Resumes

Research for job searches - Learning about the company  


Personal Budget Spreadsheet

  •  data entry
  • drop down options
  • sorting
  • copying to another sheet

*** Break & Snack ***


  • Formatting 
  • Settings
  • Professionalism - How do soft skills show up in communication?
  • One & Done

Workplace scenarios

1. You received this email this morning. Write an email to Liz responding...

Dear Jones Construction,

John was at my house on Tuesday to bid out my new patio. He told me I would have an estimate by the end of the day. I have not received anything from you. I would like to move forward with this project and want to know if you are even interested in having my business.

Liz Onufer

2. You need to send an email to a customer with overdue invoices. Write an email with the information and requesting payment. (Role play that Liz is the overdue customer.)


*** LUNCH! *** 



  • Check register
  • Review AR: add items, add new customer, create invoice, receive payment, make deposit
  • Run AR report
  • Intro to AR: add vendor, create bill, pay bill


