November 9, 2021



AP: Entering bill, paying bill, writing check

1:1 Work Sessions with Liz

  • 9:15 - 10:00 /  Jodi
  • 10:15 - 11:00 / Andrea
  • 11:15 - 12:00 /  Vicky




Memo - Write a memo to all employees that the employee parking lot is being repaved next week and will not be open. Inform employees where to park during the repaving project. 

*Challenge: Do not use a memo template. Use a blank Word document and for the header (to, from, date, subject) insert a table and hide the borders. 

Business letter - Write a letter to all employees that the cost of health benefits will be increasing. The insurance company is increasing rates by 10% for 2022 and this will be reflected in the premiums. Your company will cover 5% of this increase and the employees will be covering the extra 5%. 

Spreadsheet - Create a spreadsheet to show the deduction for each employee to cover their health insurance. In the spreadsheet, include the employee name, number of dependents, annual rate, and deductions for monthly, quarterly, and annual from the employee's paycheck. 

Health Insurance Rates: 

Company covers 75% / Employee pays 25%

Single = $6000 per year

+ 2 dependents = $10,000 per year

+ 3 dependents = $12,000 per year

+ 4 dependents = $14,000 per year

Quickbooks -  

  • AR: Add three new invoices, receive payments & make deposit
  • AP: Add three new bills, pay bills, write checks



Afternoon  (We will do this as a whole group.)


  • Formatting (business letter vs. header from resume)
  • Research company 
    • History
    • Management
    • Mission & Values
  • Salutation - Be specific!
  • Content - Be specific!
    • Show how you are a FIT for their business and give examples (think soft skills!) of your past experience and how it makes you a strong candidate now
    • EXAMPLE -


  • Choose a job from Jackson Hole Classifieds -   (HINT: Search "Office Manager")
  • Research the company
  • Write your cover letter
  • Send to Liz as an attachment, draft email as if applying for position and attaching cover letter and resume


1:1 Session 

  • 2:30 - 3:15/ Diana

