March 22, 2023



Complete final drafts and email to Liz as an attachment

EXCEL - Workplace Scenario

Inventory Tracker

You are the manager for multiple t-shirt shops in Jackson and need to manage inventory. Create a spreadsheet to track:

  • product
  • product size
  • product vendor
  • cost per item (Hint: Format column as dollars!)
  • number in stock (counted at end of each month - EOM)
  • total dollar amount stocked in inventory (Hint: This is a FORMULA!!! Format column as dollars!)

Create a SHEET for each store location.

Example spreadsheet -




Cover letter - Basic Outline
  • 1st paragraph - the position you are applying for and being a good fit...
  • 2nd paragraph - experience at Climb, strengths you showed at Climb
  • 3rd & 4th paragraphs - soft/hard skills you used at past jobs that will work for this new job
  • 5th paragraph - excited about the opportunity, thank you for consideration....
